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FAQS for Junior Sports Academy

  1. What is the Sports Academy and who is it for?
    The Junior Sports Academy is a place where students who are passionate about sport can further hone their skills and fitness. The academy is for students who are prepared to work hard, participate and be a team player as well as enhancing their own talents and skills
  2. How does my son / daughter gain a place in the Junior Sports Academy?
    Entry to the academy is through aptitude testing. To gain a place in the Sports Academy, students must attend a sports aptitude trial on Saturday 15th October 2022. Application forms can be downloaded from the school website and must be submitted direct to the school by Monday 10th October 2022.
    Admissions information link https://www.shenfield.essex.sch.uk/about-us/admissions/entry-in/ 
    Sports Academy Application Form Link https://www.shenfield.essex.sch.uk/assets/Uploads/Sports-Academy-Application-Form3.pdf 
  3. What is the point of the aptitude testing?
    Admission by aptitude has two functions:
    • To give an opportunity to attend Shenfield for those students who may not otherwise have the opportunity to gain admission.
    • To give information to the school about a student’s aptitude for sport so that the student has the opportunity to be considered for the Junior Sports Academy.
  4. What will my child need to do to prepare for the sports trial?
    If your child has applied for the Junior Sports Academy here at Shenfield we know they love their sport and want to do well. Our advice is: just come along, enjoy yourself, do your best and show us what you can do.
  5. How will my child be assessed?
    A score is awarded based on a set of criteria. The JSA Sports Aptitude Testing Day will focus on measuring a range of fitness components (speed, stamina, agility, muscle endurance, power and flexibility). There will also be an assessment of decision-making in a games activities.
    Following the trial, you will receive a letter stating whether their performance was OUTSTANDING, VERY GOOD, GOOD or PROFICIENT. An assessment of OUTSTANDING will indicate that your child’s performance was in the top 12 performances.
  6. Will all students be invited to the sports trial?
    No, the strongest applications will be called to the aptitude tests.
  7. Does my son / daughter need to be good at a particular sport?
    No, the Junior Sports Academy is for students who are gifted in any sports disciplines and can demonstrate that they are an all-round athlete. A student may be stronger in one discipline, but to be successful in the academy members need to enjoy and be eager to develop in all areas.
  8. What are the benefits of joining the Junior Sports Academy?
    • a weekly JSA strength and conditioning session which starts at 7:45am and finishes at 8:55am
    • specialist coaching in a range of sports.
    • entered into several National Cup competitions to stretch their potential
    • invited to sports trips and tours including a biannual overseas tour (Barcelona).
    • fitness is tested twice a year with the data analysed and individual targets set to help them improve their fitness weaknesses.
    • JSA members have a unique JSA Nike sports kit which they can wear for lessons and sports clubs.
  9. When will I find out if my child is being called for the aptitude day?
    The deadline for applications is Monday 10th October 2022. All applicants will receive an email by end of the day Wednesday 12th October 2022 informing them whether their application has been successful or not. Successful applicants will be called to audition on Saturday 15th October 2022. Sports trials will start at 12noon and run until 4.30pm
  10. What if I can’t make the date of the aptitude test?
    Apply in the usual way but make a note on the application. If we would like your child to attend, we will call to arrange for them to be tested on an alternative date.
  11. When will we find out the result of the aptitude testing?
    Candidates will receive an email from Shenfield High School no later than Friday 21st October 2022. You will be contacted by Essex in March to say whether you have gained a place at Shenfield High School.
  12. Does my child still need to apply for the aptitude test even if they are likely to get a place at the school based on other criteria?
    Yes, all students wanting to be a part of the Junior Sports Academy are invited to apply. Students who do the aptitude tests may gain admission to the school through another criterion on our Admissions Criteria but by doing the aptitude test you are demonstrating your talent and indicating that you would like to be part of the Junior Sports Academy if you get a place in the school.
  13. How many Junior Sports Academy places will be offered to Year 6 students joining SHS in September:
    There are 30 available places in the September 2023 intake to the Junior Sports Academy. Up to 12 of these places will be allocated through the aptitude testing.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Mr Sapsford, Director of Sport – g.sapsford@shenfield.essex.sch.uk